You are here: > About Us > Regulatory > Information About Different Number Ranges
With the liberalization of the South African communications market, new operators have been licensed by ICASA. This include Neotel and Under Serviced Area Licencees (USAL's) who have been licensed to provide telecommunications services in areas with a low teledensity as well as a host of newly licensed electronic communications network service (ECNS) and electronic communications service (ECS) providers.
These operators have all been allocated different number ranges by ICASA and will interconnect with Telkom for calls originating on Telkom's network and terminating on another network (off-net calls).
These allocated number ranges includes non-geographic number ranges like 087 xxx xxxx as well as geographic number ranges like 021 300 xxxx which would normally be perceived as a Telkom telephone number in Cape Town, but in fact has been allocated to another licensed operator.
Customers will have difficulty in recognizing in advance when calling a telephone number if that call is an on-net (terminating on Telkom's network) or off-net (terminating on another licensed operator's network) call. This will have cost implications for the customer since these off-net calls will have different rates and are more expensive than a Telkom-to-Telkom call (on-net). Off-net calls are also excluded from Telkom product offerings like CLOSER and SupremeCall.
All off-net calls will be grouped together on the monthly Telkom invoice. Off-net calls will appear under a separate heading " Other operators". The date, time, duration, number dialled etc. will be displayed. Below is an example of how calls to other operators will be displayed on the detailed pages of the Telkom invoice.
You can use the Telkom pricelist to identify some of the Other Operators
You will be able to identify the name of the Other Operator as well as the starting digits of their allocated number range for example: CMC (087 825)
Calls other than those originating and terminating on Telkom's network are known as Off-net calls meaning that they are destined for a telephone number that will terminate on another telecommunications network operator. Off-net calls are excluded from Telkom product offerings like SupremeCall - unless specified as inclusive like for example International calls. Determine if a telephone number is an Off-net number.