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This division is responsible and accountable for the successful management and co-ordination of all labour related issues and activities in respect of individual Telkom employees, Telkom Management and the recognised trade unions in Telkom.
This division focuses on ensuring that a firm foundation exists for constructive and meaningful engagement and relationships and to enable Telkom Management to achieve its HR and business objectives. In doing so, the division strives towards:
Approximately 74.23% of the total employees in the bargaining unit representing Grades A to M6/S6/AR(excluding Telkom subsidiary companies) is unionised, the relationship with its recognised trade unions is critical, in order to support and achieve Telkom's strategic objectives and to share in its vision and values.
Telkom recognises the need for strong trade unions to assist in ensuring that fair, just and equitable terms and conditions of employment are implemented and to act as a "watchdog" to ensure employees' rights are protected.
Telkom currently recognises three trade unions for the purpose of collective bargaining, the South African Communications Union(SACU) , Solidarity Union, and the Communication Workers Union (CWU). Management employees are not represented in the collective bargaining process.
The Company's interaction with the recognised trade unions is based on the Recognition Agreements with the trade unions, which was revised during 2004.
The Recognition Agreement encapsulates the essence of this relationship. The parties agree to the maintenance of a harmonious working relationship, requiring co-operation and good faith - essential for the successful running of the Company as well as the general well being of employees; a spirit of mutual respect in all dealings, the seeking of reasonable and satisfactory solutions to disputes and to develop other procedures necessary to assist in avoiding or resolving disputes; endorsing the principle of freedom of association and the right of any employee to belong, or not to belong to a trade union of their choice.
The trade unions recognise the rights and responsibilities of managing the company, as vested in Telkom management, who shall at all times be solely responsible thereof. The company at the same time recognises the right of the trade unions to represent their members.
Provided that the trade union remain sufficiently representative of employees in Telkom's Bargaining Unit, the trade union will enjoy the following rights by way of its recognition:
In ensuring that fair labour practices are being implemented in the company, Telkom and its recognised trade unions agreed on procedural agreements that set the basis, policy and procedures for dealing with matters such as discipline, grievances and incapacity.
Telkom and its recognised trade unions have entered into a collective agreement on substantive matters covering the terms and conditions of employment of its fixed line unionised employees and other non-management employees in Telkom's bargaining unit. This 3-year agreement, valid for the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2009 which was concluded during April 2006, is aimed at ensuring labour stability for Telkom and salary certainty for its employees.