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Corporate governance of SHE Management is the important for promoting continuous improvement to meet world-class standards. Through our SHE Council, Telkom has successfully integrated this process and continues to improve SHE performance areas in the demonstration of our corporate citizenship.
We aim to create sustainable value for our shareholders, employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, business partners and stakeholders in terms of safety, health and environmental risks, hazards and impacts. We aspire to demonstrate leading SHE practices in the ICT sector.
As we own and operate businesses in different countries around the world, the nature and composition of legislation in each territory may affect safety, health and the environment in each region. Through governance, Telkom will keep control and influence our SHE performance and behavior, minimising injuries, impacts and harm.
This policy forms the basis for any SHE system and application in our business operations.
Our CEO commits himself to the following in meeting SHE Compliance within the organization:
"As the designated accountable person in terms of section 16.1 OHS Act, no 85 of 1993, I commit to ensuring a work place that is safe, healthy and environmentally conducive for all employees, interested and affected parties with whom we interact.
This commitment will be achieved through instilling a sense of urgency, whilst creating a sense of ownership and self responsibility by implementing compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Continually improving the application of our internationally accredited SHE management systems (ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification)
Continually improving our methods of mitigating/reducing risks and environmental impacts and limiting incidents associated with these risks and impacts related activities in our daily operations
Continually driving the achievement of contracted SHE performance targets
Consistently demonstrating safe and healthy behaviour in all we do
Cherishing our environment and natural resources through accountable eco-friendly environmental management practices
With the co-operation of each employee Telkom will maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment.”
Back to TopTelkom, as a leading customer and employee centered ICT solutions service provider, commits to the achievement of the following safety objectives:
We regard the occupational health and safety of all employees, contractors and third parties with the utmost importance.
We commit to comply with applicable South African legislation and that of local and international occupational health and safety standards.
Telkom Management commits to the continual improvement of the occupational health and safety management system (SHE IPP).
Telkom employees accept reasonable responsibility towards their own occupational health and safety and that of other parties exposed to Telkom occupational health and safety risks.
Telkom Management commits to promote education, training and awareness of all employees, contractors and visitors by sensitizing them of the dangers, hazards and risks prevalent in the workplace.
Telkom Management agrees to communicate relevant health and safety issues within the organisation and with all applicable stakeholders.
Telkom designated management to allocate the appropriate resources within our company to execute this policy.
Telkom Management to encourage and review compliance to this policy by employees, contractors and service providers.
With the co-operation of each employee we will maintain a healthy, safe and secure working environment.
Back to TopCommitment statement by the CEO endorsing the Telkom SHE incident prevention plan, as a means of ensuring that Telkom's employees, customers and interested and affected parties alike are considered in all interactions and operations
OHSAS 18001 accreditation of the Telkom Safety Incident Prevention plan
Stakeholder management with Compensation Commissioner – resulting in more efficient processes for IOD registration and related queries
Stakeholder management with Department of Labour in the establishment of the National and Regional Safety Forums, which are chaired by the department, with the main objective of securing safety for Telkom employees who work on the Telkom network which is being used by certain communities to illegally connect their electricity supply
Enhanced safety, health and environmental training method including on-line SHE knowledge reviews, where employees are required to complete at least one risk-specific review per quarter
Sustained awareness topics placed on the Telkom's SHE-WEB, resulting in increased awareness by employees about various SHE challenges, the outcome of this venture can be directly linked to the decrease in SHE incidents
In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, employers are required "to provide for the health and safety of persons at work and for the health and safety of persons in connection with the use of plant and machinery; the protection of persons other than persons at work against hazards to health and safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work; to establish an advisory council for occupational health and safety; and to provide for matters connected therewith". (Source: OHSA 85 of 1993)
We value our employees and, through our Integrated Health Management Profile, strive to improve our occupational health and hygiene practices and protocols in the workplace. With specific reference to sections and regulations in the Occupational Health Act: Section 8; 13; and Environmental Regulations 2; 7; General Safety Regulations 2; 5; 6; 12 and 13.
Back to TopSome of the key focus areas: (which the services of an occupational health medical practitioner is required)
Clinical case management of referrals in terms of occupational and related diseases
Compliance to safety and health-related legislation
Conducting of health risk assessments e.g. shiftwork; working at heights; pre- and post occupation of buildings, etc
Establishment of health risk profiles
IOD management for incapacity or rehabilitation purposes
Guidance and protocols for radiation
Expatriate program – medical examinations; vaccinations and immunisations; travel kits and travel advice, etc
Some of the key deliverables in terms of medical surveillance: (where the services of an occupational nursing practitioner is required)
1. Conducting medical examinations:
a. Pre-employment examinations
b. Periodic examinations
c. Working at heights (mast and tower examinations)
d. Exit examinations
e. Referrals to the network doctor
2. The rendering of professional and non-biased biological monitoring functions in terms of exposure to hazardous chemical substances: e.g. lead, asbestos, gases, etc.
Back to TopOccupational hygiene is defined as being concerned with the identification, measurement and control of contaminants and other phenomena, such as noise and radiation, which would have otherwise unacceptable adverse effects on the health of people exposed to them.
In line with Telkom's vision and engagement strategies, we endeavour to ensure a safe and conducive working environment to support employee wellness and performance.
With specific focus on:
Practical measurement, monitoring, evaluation and control of health risks to employees e.g. noise, vibration, etc.
Tests/surveys include:
Studies reveal that buildings with good overall environmental quality can reduce the rate of respiratory disease, allergy, asthma, sick building symptoms, and enhance worker performance.
A green building, also known as a sustainable building, is a structure that is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner. Green buildings are designed to meet certain objectives such as protecting occupant health; improving employee productivity; using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently; and reducing the overall impact to the environment.
A baseline will be established on identified existing buildings in terms of IAQ; energy, water, emissions, transport and materials based on the evaluation of the Green Building Council of South Africa
This program will be aligned with the Telkom Green Initiative which includes reporting and monitoring of the carbon footprint and other related emissions
We define the "Environment" as everything around us. It includes the air, the land, water, animals and the communities within and around which we operate. We recognize our national presence in this environment, and a responsibility to influence and lead in the field of sustainable development.
Telkom, as a leading customer and employee centered ICT solutions and fixed line communications service provider in Africa, commits to the achievement of the following environmental objectives:
Telkom views compliance with the requirements of all applicable environmental laws and regulations with utmost importance.
To continuously maintain and improve our environmental performance through our Environmental Management Strategy.
To promote eco-friendly technical developments and associated procurement practices as contained in the Safety, Health and Environmental Incident Prevention Plan (SHE IPP).
To enable our employees through environmental education and awareness.
To sustain the reduction of resource consumption whilst minimising pollution and the generation of waste.
To support and encourage the re-use, recycle and resale of recovered material.
To participate in the development of legislative measures with respect to the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution.
To communicate relevant environmental issues within the organisation and with all applicable stakeholders.
To allocate the appropriate resources within our company to execute this policy.
To encourage and review compliance to this policy by employees, contractors and relevant stakeholders.
Within the Telkom vision, we recognise the special yet specific role that we have to play in society by protecting, conserving and developing the environment. We recognise that our customers, employees, business partners and our communities count on us to demonstrate our values and to contribute to an environmentally sustainable world.
In striving to establish sustainable environmental practice, the Telkom ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System (EMS) is fully integrated with our occupational safety, health and employee wellness initiatives.
The Telkom EMS has contributed significantly towards an improved level of company efficiency and has delivered a variety of measurable achievements including:
The implementation of the Telkom Environmental Strategy with specific deliverables focusing on more efficient use of water, energy and fuel, including the reduction in energy and fuel related emissions
All Telkom employees are trained and developed in the field of environmental management
The design and implementation of initiatives such as environmentally friendly procurement practices, waste recycling and greener materials management
A national environmental corrective action plan where our infrastructure in sensitive environments was either removed or replaced with technology with limited environmental impact
Environmental accounting mechanisms and techniques, availing organisational data and information related to our company-wide environmental performance
The company-wide establishment of formal and informal environmental structure and communication channels
Environmental impact reporting process and database supported by certified audit criteria and review processes, including legislative aligned Environmental Impact Assessment processes and procedures
Good relationships with NGO's such as the Endangered Wildlife Trust, Karoo Crane conservation working group and the Northern Cape Raptor Forum. Including stakeholder engagement with applicable government and local government departments
GRI (Global Reporting Index) aligned environmental management indices reported on within the sustainability review of the Telkom Annual Reports
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